Sometimes I need to explain!!
So here goes. The meaning of the word is Leit Motif–whose meaning is the guiding theme or the main underlying idea of the title I have chosen for this new blogging adventure. The undercurrent that I want to swim through this is by giving young readers fresh thinking, new ideas, immense motivation and tips on right Career Moves.
Will this take me up, or down or across. Will I succeed or fail if I chose this Career or that. Will I eventually come out tops or sink to the bottom. Is this the right decision for my long term goals or not? Everyone seeking a career choice comes across these monstrosities often enough. Sometimes even in mid-course. What to do?
Career Jumps is created with the thought of providing Career thoughts, Career ideas, Good Careers and all sorts of Professional ideas for young people on the go. It is going to have as its Leit Motif about how to rise to the top in ones Career by making wise and well informed Career choices. It will highlight new Career options and how to achieve them.
It is my sincere hope that young minds will use this blog to get a better flight to their flourishing dreams and enable the matter to be used as a Springboard from which a young person will emerge more stronger and purposefully driven.Ajesh Kamania – Career guidance counsellor