The oldest profession in the world ( well almost!!) is now home to some very young members.
Since the advent of the Indian Governments move to create special National Law University ( there are 14 of them now) and the encouragement of the Bar Council we have seen in the last 10 years a spurt in more young students taking up Law as a Career. Last year nearly 27000 – 12th Std plus students took the CLAT exam to get entry to the 1000 odd seats in the 14 National Law Universities.
Where do they proceed after they Graduate? It is surprising to note that the quality and level of these young bright sparks are so good that 10 of them were chosen as Aditya Birla Scholars ( on par with Post Graduates from IIT and IIMs). 5 of them every year go for their Masters in Law as Rhodes Scholars to the Oxford School of Law. Many start their careers with Law firms at Path breaking pay scales with high pay scales and responsibility.
What is interesting about these Law Schools?
Among the many things that touch the raw nerves of these young students is the very design and method of teaching. There are MOOT courts galore, debates, internships with Law firms and courts plus Practical and large value addition by top Legal luminaries coming for Class. Coupled with the fact that it is a 100% residential course enables these students to remain in touch with their work and colleagues full time and a high sense of competition ensues.
I see hope in these young minds to clean up the legal systems with their far reaching thoughts and a brighter future for young India.
Come on guys it is upto you. The baton is now in your strong young hands.Ajesh Kamania – Career guidance counsellor